International Purpose and Patricia DiVecchio believe that solving the complex human and economic development problems today demands an evolutionary approach that focuses on meeting deeper human needs, purposeful work for all, and businesses and organizations working toward a greater good and a sustainable future.
We are passionate about developing a new mental model of WORK that brings together the highest attributes of those in the East and the West. (We have much to learn from each other.) This transformational model will support a more sustainable, inclusive economic development future.
Working from your success is my success and a learning from each other model:
This philosophy, used in all of our work, builds the trust and openness that allows individuals and organizations to expedite the changes needed. This shift in the mental model generates a greater degree of self-awareness, self-management and overall accountability often missing in traditional development approaches.
Our work will challenge you, your staff and those you serve to move beyond the business as usual model of work to operate from a higher functioning level and enjoy the amazing results of your hard, inner work.
We have developed and utilize a highly successful work toolkit called "Seven Evolutionary ToolsTM" which assists individuals, businesses and organizations to transform their mental model of work to one based on unique purpose, greater and deeper impact, along with a solid return.
This toolkit is highlighted in our book/workbook, "Evolutionary Work: Unleashing Your Potential in Extraordinary Times."
Over the last 20 years, Patricia DiVecchio, President of International Purpose, has specialized in private sector and economic development from a human perspective, guiding hundreds of entrepreneurs and small businesses -- both start-up and established -- toward more sustainable work that feeds the pocketbook and soul as it provides bottom line results. She is passionate about working in Africa.
"The model of 'jobs' and 'organizations' as we know them is a remnant of the past. Those inhibit the evolution of humanity, box us into pre-defined skill sets and prevent the generation of new work in the marketplace." -- Patricia DiVecchio